(crypto futures)

Take control of your day trading effortlessly.


$ 49
  • All markets
  • Algo trading
  • AI signal
  • 2 maximum users
  • Valid for 1 months


$ 49
  • All markets
  • Algo trading
  • AI signal
  • 3 maximum users
  • Valid for 6 months


$ 49
  • All markets
  • Algo trading
  • AI signal
  • 5 maximum users
  • Valid for 1 year

Product Description


1. How It Works:

Dumperbot is a Telegram-based cryptocurrency trading bot that connects to user accounts on supported exchanges via API keys. Once connected, Dumperbot executes trades on behalf of the user based on predefined strategies and market signals.


Key Features:

ü Automated Trading: Executes trades automatically based on AI market analysis and signals.

ü API Integration: Securely connects to user accounts on supported exchanges.

ü Real-Time Notifications: Sends trade notifications and updates directly to your Telegram bot (Dumperbot).


Supported Exchanges:

Dumperbot supports integration with the following cryptocurrency exchanges:

ü Binance

ü Bybit

ü Gate.io

ü Bitmart


Support for additional exchanges may be added in future updates.



2. Installation Instructions:



– A Telegram account

– Accounts on one of the supported cryptocurrency exchanges

– API keys from the exchanges (with trading permissions enabled)


Step-by-Step Installation:

ü Open Telegram and search for fluronixdumperbot.

Ø Start the bot and provide the necessary details.


ü Obtain API Keys:

Ø Log in to your cryptocurrency exchange account.

Ø Navigate to the API management section.

Ø Create a new API key with trading permissions (withdrawal permissions should be disabled for security).

Ø (Optional) Link Dumperbot IP Address to your API key – contact support for IP address .

Ø Save the API key and secret securely.


ü Connect Dumperbot to your Exchange:

Ø Use the command `/settings` to link your exchanges.

Ø Follow the prompts to enter your API and secret keys.

Ø Dumperbot will verify the API connection and confirm successful integration.


3. Affiliate Policy

Dumperbot offers an affiliate program to reward users who refer others to use the bot. The affiliate program details are as follows:


ü Referral Link: Each user is provided with a unique referral link.

ü Commission: Users earn a recurring commission of 30% from the subscription fees of the referred users.

ü Payouts: Commissions are paid out every 1st day of the month to the user’s linked wallet via cryptocurrency (USDC) on Base Mainnet.

ü Any misuse of the affiliate program may result in termination of the affiliate account.


4. Risk Disclaimer

Trading cryptocurrencies carries inherent risks and can lead to financial losses. While Dumperbot is designed to help automate trading and make informed decisions based on market analysis, it is important to remember that all trading involves some level of risk. Users are encouraged to trade responsibly and only with funds they can afford to lose. Dumperbot aims to assist in making trading more accessible and manageable. Dumperbot and its creators are not responsible for any financial losses incurred while using the bot. Always do your own research and consider your financial situation before engaging in trading activities.


You can contact support for futher information about Dumperbot .